High Quality Real Estate Photography

Serving the Payson area and the surrounding areas of: Pine, Strawberry, East Verde Estates, Geronimo Estates, Whispering Pines, Hunter Creek, Christopher Creek, Kohls Ranch, Oxbow Estates, Round Valley and Star Valley.

As a vacation rental property manager, I want to make sure your listing looks the best that it can so it can perform well with AirBnB or VRBO’s algorithm or to get buyers.

Either way, that’s more money in your pocket at the end of the day.


All shots will be HDR

Interior & exterior included


  • HDR (High Dynamic Range) photos allow for realistic photos as if your were standing there. Windows are clear, shadow areas are visible (and no grain/noise degrading the image quality), colors are corrected.

  • High quality photos will help your AirBnB listing perform well with their algorithm.

  • Small and Medium homes will have <48-hour turn-around.

Estimated Prices:

Small Home [<2000sqft] - (15-25 photos) - $120-200

Medium Home [~2000-3000] - (25-35 photos) - $200-280

Large Home [~3000-4000] - (35-50 photos) - $280-400

Very Large Home [>4000sqft] - (50-65 photos) - $400-520

Extra Large Home [>6000sqft] - (65-80 photos) - $520-640

Twilight & Night

Twilight exterior photos with night-sky shots.

Adds a very eye-catching and unique touch to your real estate photos.

These tend to help your AirBnB listing perform well with their algorithm.

5-10 Exterior Photos - $125


Vignettes highlight the various amenities and the interior design in the vacation rental. This involves various lens changes that add more depth than the traditional wide-angle photos.

5-10 Photos - $45

4K Video Walkthrough

Starting at $199

Contact me for more options and pricing.

Real Estate Portfolio Gallery

Book a shoot!

Let me know what package(s) you would like and the address of the home.

Thank you!